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Exploring the Spiritual Dimensions of Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT): A Pathway to Holistic Health and Healing

Dr Ananth Nalabanda

Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT): Bridging Spinal Health, Organ Function, and Energy Alignment

CMRT, or Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique, is a holistic chiropractic approach that goes beyond traditional spinal adjustments to address the intricate connection between the spine, internal organs, and overall well-being. Originally termed "Bloodless Surgery" by its creators, this technique focuses on restoring proper communication between the nervous system and the body’s organs. By correcting spinal misalignments and gently manipulating organ reflex points, CMRT not only alleviates physical discomfort but also promotes healing on a deeper level. Integrating concepts from both science and spirituality, CMRT aligns the physical body with the energetic pathways of the chakra system, creating a path toward true holistic health.

My inspiration to write this article stems from a personal experience. Recently, after long hours of working in the clinic, I developed upper back pain and decided to visit a chiropractor for the first time. Guided to meet Mr. Steve Jones, a highly experienced local chiropractor, I realized how crucial proper spinal alignment is—not only for physical health but also for spiritual practices, particularly Kundalini Sadhana.

As someone deeply connected to spiritual practices, I’ve always believed that the posture and alignment of the spine play a vital role in channeling energy effectively. When Patanjali emphasized asana, I understood it as a call for physical alignment, which I feel is essential for Kundalini awakening.

During one of my meditation sessions, I was divinely guided to the number 33—a significant spiritual symbol I will share in another blog post. As I discussed the importance of spinal alignment for Kundalini Sadhana with Steve, he introduced me to CMRT and shared literature on the topic. His insights inspired me to explore CMRT further and connect it to the spiritual aspects of spinal health, leading to this article. Through this piece, I hope to bridge the understanding of CMRT with the spiritual journey, offering readers a unique perspective on aligning body, mind, and spirit.

Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT) as mentioned above is a unique system that combines organ function analysis and treatment by focusing on the spine and occipital tendon insertions. This method provides an integrative approach to addressing the body's viscero-somatic reflexes—reflexes that manifest as chronic subluxations in the spine due to internal organ dysfunctions. Through CMRT, practitioners address the entire individual, merging the physical and spiritual realms to foster healing and well-being.

A Whole-Person Approach: Body, Mind, and Spirit

CMRT stands out for its whole-person approach to health, acknowledging that physical symptoms often have roots in emotional, mental, or even spiritual imbalances. By correcting spinal segments, releasing reflex receptors in the abdomen, and working with pre- and post-ganglionic reflexes, CMRT gently guides the body toward alignment. The resulting changes, including symptoms like flushing, blanching, slower breathing, and emotional release, are signs of a profound shift occurring within. These reactions signal a deep transformation within the body's energy pathways, aligning with spiritual traditions that view healing as both a physical and spiritual journey.

The Spine as a Spiritual Channel

In many spiritual traditions, the spine is not merely a structural element but a vital channel for life energy. For instance, in Kundalini practices, the 33 vertebrae represent steps in the ascension of consciousness, carrying energy from the base (root) to the crown (crown chakra). Similarly, each spinal segment in CMRT corresponds to a vital organ, supporting the body’s physical and energetic balance. Treating these vertebrae not only addresses specific syndromes—such as coronary (T1), gastric (T5), or adrenal (T9)—but also aligns with the idea that clearing blockages along the spine can open channels of spiritual energy, promoting mental clarity and heightened awareness.

Did you ever wonder why you may experience upper back pain if you have gall stones or uncontrolled diabetes? This picture gives us better understanding how it might manifest in our bodies

  • Occipital-Trapezius Reflex Charts:

    • The chart lists reflex points that correspond to areas from Occipital (skull) down to the Sacrals in three lines:

      • Line #1: Related to the Cerebrospinal-Meningeal system

      • Line #2: Related to the Vertebral-Visceral system

      • Line #3: Related to the Structural-Vertebral system

  • Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique Chart:

    • This section has specific vertebrae and their associated organs. Here’s the extraction based on each vertebra and its reflexive connection:

      • T1: Coronary

      • T2: Myocardial

      • T3: Respiratory

      • T4: Gallbladder

      • T5: Gastric

      • T6: Pancreas

      • T7: Spleen

      • T8: Liver

      • T9: Adrenal

      • T10: Small Intestine

      • T11/T12: Duodenal

      • L1: Ileocecal

      • L2: Cecal

      • L3: Glandular

      • L4: Colon

      • L5: Uterine

      • L5 (different reflex): Prostate

  • Temporal-Sphenoidal Reflex Points:

    • This chart shows specific cranial reflex points related to organs, but it isn’t directly linked to individual vertebrae.

The Spiritual Reflex: Linking the Body’s Systems

The somatovisceral and viscerosomatic reflexes treated through CMRT showcase the deep interconnectedness of the body’s systems—a principle that echoes spiritual beliefs in the unity of body, mind, and spirit. These reflexes highlight how an imbalance in one part of the body, such as the liver, can manifest as back pain or how spinal misalignments can disrupt organ function. CMRT practitioners use this knowledge to address not only physical symptoms but also underlying energetic and emotional blockages, paving the way for a more holistic form of healing.

The Emotional Release: A Gateway to Inner Peace

CMRT's ability to trigger emotional release during adjustments often marks a key moment of spiritual healing for patients. For example, the correction of T3 (Respiratory Syndrome) may relieve sinus pressure and also help release held grief, as the lungs are often associated with unresolved sorrow in both medical and spiritual traditions. This emotional liberation can be a transformative experience, as patients let go of burdens that have weighed on them physically, mentally, and spiritually. This release may also deepen their connection to themselves and foster inner peace—a core aspect of spiritual growth.

The Spiritual Effects of Physical Change

The tangible changes following CMRT adjustments are themselves indicators of deeper spiritual benefits:

  • Reduced Neuro-Lymphatic Congestion: Promotes the free flow of energy, symbolizing the release of spiritual and emotional stagnation.

  • Increased Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow: Heightens clarity and mental acuity, potentially supporting a person’s meditative and contemplative practices.

  • Enhanced Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage: Symbolizes the purification process, removing toxins on both physical and energetic levels.

  • Nerve Interference Removal: Aligns with the spiritual concept of clearing obstacles, allowing for a smooth flow of life force or "chi" through the body.

These physical shifts are not merely symptomatic reliefs; they resonate with a more profound transformation that echoes throughout a person’s mind and spirit, promoting harmony and a greater sense of unity within oneself.

Aligning with Spiritual Traditions: Energy Pathways and Reflex Points

Each spinal segment in CMRT is associated with specific syndromes, such as the L1 Iliocecal Syndrome or the T8 Liver Syndrome, which have physical and emotional implications. For example:

  • T1 (Coronary Syndrome) can be linked to feelings of anxiety, perspiration, and nausea—symptoms that often stem from unaddressed fears or deep-seated stress. Addressing T1 may alleviate these symptoms physically while also helping release anxiety at a deeper, spiritual level.

  • T9 (Adrenal Syndrome) is commonly associated with stress. Correcting the T9 vertebra aids the adrenal glands, known for their role in the fight-or-flight response, helping patients experience a state of calm and relaxation that is conducive to spiritual growth and self-reflection.

  • L5 (Prostate or Uterine Syndrome), which affects urination and menstrual cycles, resonates with sacral energy. Clearing blockages here can support balanced creative and reproductive energy, a concept that aligns with spiritual views of sacral chakra health.

In many ways, CMRT aligns with the ancient concept of energy channels (as seen in traditions like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda), recognizing that physical alignment can help clear energetic and emotional pathways, fostering a more harmonious and spiritually fulfilling state of health.

CMRT as a Pathway to Higher Consciousness

By working from an “above down, inside out” approach, CMRT echoes the spiritual journey of turning inward to cultivate a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe. Through spinal alignment and organ balance, CMRT not only removes nerve interference but also supports a balanced energy flow from the mind to the heart and body, promoting a state of peace, clarity, and connection to higher consciousness.

As each patient’s response to CMRT is unique, the technique honors the individuality of the healing journey—a fundamental principle in both chiropractic and spiritual practices. Chiropractic care, as a blend of art and science, complements spirituality by not only addressing physical discomfort but also supporting the journey toward wholeness and self-realization.

Conclusion: Integrating CMRT into a Spiritual Lifestyle

CMRT serves as more than just a physical adjustment; it becomes a ritual for enhancing holistic well-being. Through gentle, specific corrections along the spine, CMRT aligns body, mind, and spirit, fostering a state of internal harmony and an elevated sense of awareness. By addressing both the visceral and somatic layers of our being, CMRT offers a unique pathway to spiritual growth, transforming chiropractic care into a holistic practice that nurtures the body’s innate ability to heal and harmonize with its own spiritual energy.

Suggestions for Linking CMRT and Spirituality

  • Workshops: Offer workshops combining CMRT sessions with guided meditations or yoga for energy alignment.

  • Research and Testimonials: Collect case studies or testimonials from individuals who feel a spiritual benefit from CMRT, showcasing its broader applications.

  • Collaborations: Partner with spiritual wellness centers or holistic healers to integrate CMRT as a part of their offerings.

By bridging the gap between physical and spiritual health, CMRT can serve as a unique tool to promote overall well-being and deepen individuals' spiritual experiences.


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